Babies generally fall asleep easily when their mothers’ breastfeed them, but that’s often not the case when it’s daddy’s turn to pacify them. A strong ally for such troubled fathers is this nursing/ sleeping device for dads. Fathers can have both hands free to touch and comfort their babies, while receiving vibrating feedback from their suckling babies’ drinking. With the softness and warmth close to that of a mother’s breast, babies are none the wiser, and can relax as usual. By supporting fathers, babies and mothers are also supported. “Father's Nursing Assistant” is a technology that is helping to evolve child rearing.
ママのおっぱいなら寝てくれるのに、パパがあやすとなかなか寝てくれない赤ちゃん。 そんな悩めるパパに強い味方、父親のための授乳・寝かしつけデバイスです。自由になった両手で今まで以上に赤ちゃんとふれあえて、吸いつきは振動になってパパにフィードバック。 柔らかさや温かさを女性の胸に近づけることで赤ちゃんも普段通りリラックス。パパをサポートすることで、赤ちゃんもママも助かります。テクノロジーで育児を進化させる「FATHER'S NURSING ASSISTANT 」
Log data storage
The level of milk is also visually displayed and the data can be saved.The device vibrates when the infant drinks, allowing Dad to feel more actively engaged in the child rearing process.